It's time to begin meeting the Mystic Lake staff for summer 2018! We will be introducing people that are full of positive energy and ready to give campers memories that will last a lifetime.
This week we are introducing Amiee, Haley, Casey, Jenna, Carlee, Fletcher, Chris, Maggie, Patrick, and James!
First up, meet Amiee!
This with be my fifth year at Mystic Lake as the Program Director. My favorite place on camp is the back porch of the Castle watching the sunrise with my dogs Larry and Charlie. This summer, I am most excited to meet new friends and see how tall the campers have gotten over the past year! |
Next up, say hello to Haley!
This summer with be my third summer on staff at Mystic Lake, and my first as Co Summer Camp Director! A couple of my favorite memories from last summer are going on a Doodle Hunt with Teen Nation and the senior canoe trip. I can't wait for lake swims and foil dinners this summer! I'm so excited to see past campers and to share the Mystic Magic with new ones. See you SOON! |
Everyone say hello to Casey!
I have been a counselor here for three years, and was never a camper at Mystic but I wish I had been. My favorite camp memory is making foil dinners every week with with all of my campers and fellow counselors and enjoying each others company! My favorite place on camp is the fishing dock when the sun is setting (except for the mosquitoes that want to take me away) |
Hello Mystic Lakers!
My name is Jenna, I have been a camper at Mystic for eight years and this will be my second year as a counselor. I can't wait to see all of my returning campers as well as meet new ones. My favorite place to be at camp is the barn with all of the horses! |
Next up, Carlee!
I have been a counselor for three years and this will be my first year as Equestrian Director!! My favorite part of last summer was doing overnights at the barn with the Wranglers and Ranchers. This summer I am looking forward to being reuinted with the horses and return campers as well as meeting all of the new campers, getting to spend long days at my favorite place on camp (the barn) and getting to lead trail rides! |
Everyone welcome Fletcher!
Hi! My name is Fletcher and this will be my first year working at Mystic Lake after being a camper for five years. I'm very excited to get to know everyone this summer and to make awesome memories! |
Welcome back Chris!
This summer will be my eighth year at Mystic and my second summer as a counselor. My favorite place on camp is the boating area, and I'm most looking forward to scaling the rock wall this summer! |
Joining us from England, welcome James Ray to Mystic Lake!
My name is James and I'm a Law student from Durham, which is a very small city in the North East of England. This summer, I'm really looking forward to playing soccer at camp because the World Cup will be taking place during my time there. I love being on the water, so I'm excited for lake activities as well! I love sports and can't wait to do all of the different activities that Mystic Lake has to offer! |
Welcome back Patrick!
I spent seven years at Mystic as a camper, and this will be my third year as a counselor. This summer I'm looking forward to endless rounds of ultimate frisbee under the beautiful summer sun. My favorite place on camp is the cookout site Old! |
Next up, say hello to Maggie!
This is my third year on staff at Mystic Lake, and my first summer as Waterfront Director! My favorite memory from camp is slip n sliding in the rain. This summer I'm looking forward to spontaneous dance parties! |